The idea for Grown in Warren stems from the Grow Warren initiative, which was created to help the County of Warren to build a strategic growth and marketing plan for our agricultural sector. With funding from the USDA’s Rural Business Development program, our project team from Greener by Design, LLC examined the county’s agricultural industry, conducted a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis, and recommended measures that Warren County and its partners could take in order to help grow agriculture in the County, specifically with our local farms.
From that project, Grown in Warren was created to help highlight our small and emerging farms and agribusinesses utilizing various formats (social media, advertisements, outreach events, etc.). By providing exposure of our Warren County farms and agribusinesses to the general public, our goal is to help bridge the gap between consumer and producer. The relationship between producers and consumers is the backbone of small-scale agriculture, as producers benefit from receiving the largest available profit by selling directly to the consumer or to a local store, while consumers benefit from the freshest produce available, as well as the satisfaction of knowing exactly where their food came from.
Grown in Warren and its organizers, the Warren County Department of Land Preservation, invite you to explore our website and learn about what the farms and agribusinesses in your backyard have to offer!